Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Family Fun

We've had a WHIRLWIND around here the past several days. DH's parents and our nephew came to town for a visit.

What does this mean? First and foremost it means I temporarily become the parent of only two children. Our youngest son absolutely adores his Papa (and Grandma, too). They are an inseparable pair. Whatever Papa says goes and Papa's arms, legs, lap, and neck become the favorite resting place for my little prince's head or arms or legs or runny nose (there is justice in this world ;) ). I should also add that our youngest ds is the ONLY of Papa's nine marvelous grandchildren to be on the receiving end (pun intended) of a "Papa diaper change" and "Papa fanny cleaning" following a bathroom sitting. Papa's directions and desires supersede all others. DH and I pretty much become invisible people. And I wouldn't trade this for anything!!! My children are blessed with the most generous, adoring, involved grandparents in the world. When in the presence of these wonderful people my kids experience what I am sure is one of the closest earthly expressions of their heavenly Father's extravagant love for them. I'm truly grateful they have this blessing. I, too, was privileged to receive extravagant love from grandparents and know this had a profound effect on my relationship with my heavenly Father.

What else does the visit mean? I've been RUNNING THE ROADS!!! But I guess that's not altogether different for our single-driver family. It's just that last night the roads back from DOLLYWOOD were dark, winding, unfamiliar mountain roads and my shoes and feet were sogging wet. Did I mention our arrival a "Casa de Amo" occurred around 1:30 AM? You guessed it, I succumbed to pressure and actually rode the "River Rampage!"

Dollywood was lots of fun and the Lord blessed us with a great time! We got to see a show that Grandma and Papa especially enjoyed...all while the deluge went on outside. By the time we left the show and ate the air was cooler and the crowds were smaller. More rides for the kids, less sweat for me!!! Yeah! I took the deluge to be a sign in the spiritual of that which we received from our heavenly Father and our earthly parents...showers of blessings!

(Side note: One day is inadequate to fully enjoy all that Dollywood has to offer...but it was a great appetite whetter.)

Our oldest will be returning to NC with his grandparents for an extended solo visit. He has wanted to do this for some time. And that fact alone convinces me it's a good thing to do, as he is our "homiest body." I view this as a rite of passage of sorts for him and maybe me, too. He'll be fine, he'll learn lots from Papa on the farm, and he'll grow one step closer to manhood. That's the part that gets me sometimes. A noble young man of faith is what I see the Lord growing before my very eyes.

The youngest chastised his cousin today for not sharing his Mountain Dew by saying, "God says to share your blessings." Thanks for reading as I shared. God is good!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The First Step, Again

My friend and I began our new Bible Study together this week. I never cease to be amazed at how one short hour spent with other women who love the Lord and His Word can revive my spirit. In the dry, weary summer land I've been experiencing (naturally and physically), this time spent together seeking His face plumped up my wilted spirits and habits.

"For Women Only: The Bible Study" by Shaunti Feldhahn promises to be informative and invigorating. From the beginning we were challenged to be "one-sided" in our approach to this study. Don't be alarmed...the one side is MY side...opening it up to the Master Craftsman, the Transformer, the Redeemer of all things, and the Constructor of my life and relationships... allowing Him to work in ME to bring about change that will benefit and build up my man (and what a man he is, I might add) and my relationships with other males as well. Shaunti reminded me that it's not all about me...imagine that (sic). I was created FOR my man, to HELP my man, and to RESPECT my man. God gave me as a gift to this wonderful man of His creation. I want to be a gift worthy of my calling.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Needful Thing

Over lunch yesterday with one of my dearest friends, I was reminded of my great need for God's Living Word to be breathed in my life...OFTEN! We were discussing the possibilty of beginning a Bible Study. And we reminded eachother of our great need for God's Word daily infused in our lives. We confessed our lack of faithfulness to The Word in the recent busy days of summer. We agreed that without the power of the Word in our lives, we grow weary and falter. We stand shakily on the shifting sand of circumstance, rather than on our Solid Rock. We have no well from which to draw the Water of Life. We agreed to begin Bible study together. We agreed, though in an unspoken manner, to hold eachother accountable to returning to the One who first loved us...The Word who was made flesh and dwelled among us (John 1).

I'm thankful for my dear friends...Annette and the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Amplified Fears

Actually publishing my blog has yet to happen...my fears about it abound! I have several blogging friends for whom my admiration grows each time I read their posts. And I have a rotten habit of comparing myself to others all the time. This would be sin I realize. One with which I battle regularly. But even as I type this I am reminded by my precious Friend, the Holy Spirit: Amy, you are fearfully and wonderfully made and I have gifted you for your life. Concern yourself with obedience to Me. Follow My lead. Listen to My voice. Be at peace.

What a gift we have in the Ever-present One, breathing life into every moment of every day.