Sunday, August 12, 2007

Out of Pocket

The Family Merry-Go-'Round has been on "turbo" around here...but I've not forgotten my blog...just been distracted and otherwise occupied. Last night I returned from the Atlanta, GA Women of Faith Conference (and pre-conference with Beth Moore)! What an awesome BLESSING this was! I was privileged to attend with a group of ladies from our church. I'm in SELAH mode--Big Time. But I feel some posts churning.

The weekend previous we had a house full of company...all my immediate family...13 of us!!! We had lots of fun celebrating Daddy's 64th and my 40th birthdays!

One thing I returned from Atlanta with is a bad cold/bronchitis/ cough/crud...The Lord graced me with exactly what I needed for the conference weekend...but now I need rest.


Faith said...

Happy birthday, dear Amy! So glad you had the experience of the Women of Faith conference and pre-conference. What a gift! Hope you feel better soon!

ocean mommy said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!

I want to hear all about WOF!!!! I longed to be there, but we had a good weekend up in Chatt.

Love you and can't wait to read about it later!

Praying you feel better soon!


Hannah said...

Hey Mrs. Amy!! Its Hannah, check out my blog somtime!! God Bless, Hannah

Kate said...

Happy 40th. I'm right behind you.

I can't wait to hear about WOF. Glad you had a good time with family and hope you are recovering.

Rest Up.
