Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Short List...That Could be LONG

My Sistah in the Lord, Angela at Refresh My Soul (see sidebar), tagged me quite a few days ago to list 5 things I really "dig" about Jesus.

Our family has been on the road a bunch (thus the lack of posts) and I've been pondering this tag quite a bit. There's so much to love about my's a small sampling:

1. His NAME...There truly is just something about that name! Jesus...the name at which every knee will bow, every tongue confess "He Is Lord"....Bright Morning Star, Suffering Servant, Friend, Comforter, Overcomer, Redeemer, Creator, Covenant Maker, Author, Finisher, End, Beginning, Peace, Counselor, Wonderful, Almighty, Ancient of Days, Sustainer, Truth, Lover of my soul, Gentle, Kind, Just, Powerful, Shelter, Strong Tower, Exact Representation of God's Glory...the list goes on, as does my desire to know Him more and more!

2. His COMPASSION...He associated with the motliest of the motley...the woman married five times and living with yet another, tax collectors, lepers, outcasts of every description (this is the category in which I picture myself)....As He spent time with this group His concerns were for their lostness, their hurts and pains, their neediness...I want to see others through His eyes and extend to them His compassion.

3. His WORD...It is TRUTH and it is TRUE...Would that my words reflect His truth and trueness to those around me...especially to my children.

4. His FRIENDSHIP...Jesus had friends and HAS friends. It is such a privilege to be called a friend of God. We were blessed to hear a missionary speak at our former church this past weekend while we were visiting our home state. This missionary works in Northern Africa. Did you know that our God's desire and provision for friendship with us, His creation, is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for Muslims to accepting Christ? In the Muslim's view God cannot LOVE people because that would imply that God would experience SUFFERING and PAIN along with humankind. I am a friend of God and I'm so grateful He's willing to share my every burden. (And the song I Am a Friend of God is one of my most favorite favs!)

5. His GIFTS...Some might say that's not very "spiritual." Yet EVERY good and perfect gift comes from above. I LOVE the gifts Jesus has given me and I know they've come straight from His hand: my husband, my children, my family of faith (both near and far), my friends, my family heritage, my parents and my siblings, all my "in-loves" (as opposed to in-laws), my church, my pastors, my co-laborers in the kingdom, music, books, my mini-van, my favorite squishy pillow, the list goes on and on and on...

Just like my Jesus...He goes on and on and on....


God's girl said...

Love it girl! I just love reading these! They stir my soul with desire for more of Him!
Love you!

ocean mommy said...

That's some good stuff there!

Hug the kiddies for me.

Kate said...

AHH! You're back at the helm. I've missed you. GREAT LIST. The look you provided into the Muslim mind was interesting and heartbreaking.

Hello Eldest,Daughter and Youngest. My guys REALLY MISS you!

Faith said...

Amen!!! Our Jesus is INCREDIBLE, isn't He? I love your comment about His Name.
Good stuff!